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Food Service Dietetics

Food Service Dietetics


Corinne has extensive experience in the specialised area of food service dietetics – it takes a sound knowledge and understanding of the practical operational issues that impact on food service delivery and operations to effectively implement changes in this area of an organisation. You will find Corinne’s approach to recommending and implementing change to be practical, realistic and down to earth.


Corinne will provide a specialist food service dietetic consultancy service to hospitals, nursing homes, aged care facilities, group homes, or any facility that cooks and/or serves food for employees, residents or inpatients.


  • Has it been a while since your menu was reviewed or updated?

  • Would you like a menu review to get some recommendations for where to begin changing your menu to ensure it meets the nutritional needs of your clients?

  • Is your facility coming up for accreditation?

  • Do you want to ensure your menu meets the relevant food and nutrition or industry standards?

  • Would you like some help with staff training or in-services? 


Corinne can help you with these questions and more – she will provide a full assessment including detailed, specific and achievable recommendations for change if required. Fees for these services vary - please contact Corinne for further information.

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